Our Story

An Ellipsis is the ‘three dots’ that indicate an unfinished thought… Our brand reflects the essence of what we do: we help our clients complete their unfinished understanding of the customer.

We design, implement, operate and optimise customer loyalty programs and initiatives. Helping manage and grow customer value.

We always make decisions based on data and insights, an approach we call Customer Science®. We use our proprietary methods and data-driven insights to deliver state of the art services that grow customer value and optimise performance.

Our Values
  • We always put the customer first
  • We strive to make the complex, simple
  • We focus on quality and results
  • We value fact-based innovation
  • We are ambitious and love a challenge

Our Team
David Parsons
David Parsons Managing Partner
David Parsons Sydney
Tim Tyler
Tim Tyler Managing Partner
Tim Tyler Sydney
Simon Rowles
Simon Rowles Partner
Simon Rowles Auckland
Leigh Dewar
Leigh Dewar Partner
Leigh Dewar Melbourne
Lucy Wilkinson
Lucy Wilkinson Principal
Lucy Wilkinson Sydney
Alex Lehwaldt
Alex Lehwaldt Principal
Alex Lehwaldt Melbourne
Kelly Casey
Kelly Casey Principal
Kelly Casey Sydney
Matt Burden
Matt Burden Principal
Matt Burden Sydney
Phil Gunter
Phil Gunter Senior Advisor
Phil Gunter Sydney
Stuart Melim
Stuart Melim Senior Advisor
Stuart Melim Sydney
Arlene Kohlenberg
Arlene Kohlenberg Senior Manager
Arlene Kohlenberg Sydney
Nicholas Bills
Nicholas Bills Manager
Nicholas Bills Melbourne
Ana Popovic
Ana Popovic Manager - Data Science and Analytics
Ana Popovic Sydney
Siofra Timmins
Siofra Timmins Senior Consultant
Siofra Timmins Sydney
Ekta Gangakhedkar
Ekta Gangakhedkar Consultant
Ekta Gangakhedkar Sydney
Christelle Swanepoel
Christelle Swanepoel Analyst
Christelle Swanepoel Sydney
Maria Corinne
Maria Corinne Program Management Executive
Maria Corinne Philippines
Danni Russell
Danni Russell Consultant
Danni Russell Sydney
Candice Ng-Chee
Candice Ng-Chee Consultant
Candice Ng-Chee Singapore
Our Clients

We’ve helped many companies on their journey to becoming customer centric. Here’s a selection of some of our recent successful engagements.

https://www.esteelauder.com.au/ Estee Lauder
https://www.ebay.com.au/ ebay
https://www.commbank.com.au/ CBA
http://www.visa.com.au/index.shtml Visa
https://www.westpac.com.au/ Westpac
https://www.bnz.co.nz/?rd=default BNZ
https://www.anz.com.au/personal/ ANZ
https://www.cfs.com.au/ Colonial First State
https://experience.velocityfrequentflyer.com/the-basics Velocity
https://www.tabcorp.com.au/ Tabcorp
http://www.metcash.com/ Metcash
https://www.medibank.com.au/ Medibank
https://www.priceline.com.au/ Priceline Pharmacy
http://www.superretailgroup.com.au/ Super Retail Group
https://www.spotlightgroup.com/ Spotlight
https://www.anacondastores.com/ Anaconda
https://www.makeitcheaper.com/ Make it Cheaper
https://www.woolworths.com.au/ Woolworths
https://www.ampol.com.au/ Ampol
http://shop.countdown.co.nz/ Countdown
http://www.airasia.com/ Air Asia
https://www.acnpacific.com/ ACN
http://www.coalitionrewards.com/fi/ Coalition Rewards
https://www.crownmelbourne.com.au/hotels Crown
https://www.scenic.com.au/ Scenic Tours
http://www.sydneycricketground.com.au/ The SCG Trust
http://www.racv.com.au/ RACV
https://www.spiritoftasmania.com.au/ Spirit of Tasmania
http://penrith.panthers.com.au/ Penrith Panthers
https://www.nulon.com.au/ Nulon
https://www.farmlands.co.nz/ Farmlands
https://www.aucklandairport.co.nz/ Auckland Airport
https://www.zoetis.com.au/ Zoetis
https://www.hypoxi.com.au/ Hypoxi
https://www.flightcentre.com.au/ Flight Centre
https://www.sompo-intl.com/insurance/ Sompo
https://www.genesiscare.com/au/ GenesisCare
https://www.godiva.com/ Godiva
https://www.vodafone.co.nz/ Vodafone NZ
https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/ Safework NSW
https://www.kathmandu.com.au/ Kathmandu
https://www.greencrossvets.com.au/ Greencross Vets
https://www.harrisfarm.com.au/ Harris Farm
https://www.ig.com/au IG
https://rewards.staralliance.com/ Star Alliance
https://www.lunaparksydney.com/ Luna Park
https://www.mastercard.com.au/en-au.html Mastercard
https://www.mercury.co.nz/ Mercury
https://www.sportsbet.com.au/ Sportsbet
https://www.mjbale.com/ MJ Bale
https://clearskincareclinics.com.au/ Clean Skincare
https://www.thehaircaregroup.com/ Haircare Group
https://www.sheridan.com.au/ Sheridan
https://www.forevernew.com.au/ Forever New
https://www.audi.com.au/au/web/en.html Audi
https://www.avis.com.au/en/home Avis
https://www.brasnthings.com/ Bra N Things
https://www.bonds.com.au/ Bonds
https://www.dfs.com/en/auckland DFS
https://www.babybunting.com.au/ Baby Bunting
Our Partners

We work with a selection of carefully selected partners, enabling us to provide you with an exceptional end-to-end service.

What Our Clients Say
"In a word – outstanding! They have provided a depth of global and local loyalty knowledge and expertise that I doubt anyone here in Australia could provide" Head of CRM
Large Retailer
"We have always been impressed with Ellipsis’ high quality insights, and their focus on delivering real results for our business" Gabi Kool
CEO - Coalition Rewards
"Efficient, friendly, thorough and professional. Ellipsis were embedded into our business to deliver the best results" National Manager
Global Leisure & Fitness Company
"Ellipsis demonstrated a depth of knowledge and an approach that is a balance between science and art" Program Manager
Financial Services Organisation
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