Loyalty Tales Chapter 4


Chapter Four: Stellar, the Marketing Manager’s Tales

Stellar, the Marketing Manager, waited patiently while the Acme Executive team finished their greetings, gathered their sandwiches, and refilled their coffee cups, and then settled into their customary positions around the meeting table.




“Welcome to the halfway point in our journey,” she said in a raised voice to lessen the chatter. “I will share 3 short tales today as we start our virtual return to head office. Harry our CEO has already discussed the work of Byron Sharp, an acolyte who has published Laws and Rules to explain the way customers engage with our products and the forces we must consider as we increase their loyalty and value to Acme. It is an exciting time to be in Marketing!” “And we all are in Marketing,” she added under her breath. “Lets start looking at why the age of a program matters”.


Story 1: Program Age

Launching a new loyalty program is an exciting time for loyalty marketers. A chance to engage customers with a new value proposition, a shiny new budget to spend and if nothing else the sense of relief that something will actually be executed after all the meetings, planning and modelling. But launches bring us face to face with the statistical joker of the loyalty deck; customer self-selection.


Download to read Chapter 4, we hope you enjoy our story. We are Ellipsis, the Loyalty Experts. We help you find, measure, manage and grow customer loyalty​.


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