Loyalty Tales Chapter 5

Chapter Five: Algo’s Tales from Decision Science
"Wake up, people!” said Algo, the Acme data scientist, “More coffee for the most exciting tales of the pilgrimage; data is sexy”, he announced, clapping his hands to get attention.
“Don’t worry, these will not be technical tales; rather, I want to help put data analysis into cultural perspective for this leadership team. After all, we have been making business decisions with limited historical views for decades. We no longer need to take as many ‘gut-feel’ decisions, but old habits are hard to break. So my tales will be about learning to love data.”
Algo continued, “We should have Mr. Deming’s missive printed in bold above our boardroom door; ‘In God we trust. All others must bring data." "Let’s get started.”
Story 1: The critical skill for a data led culture
“Without data you are just another person with an opinion. We will use mine.”
The data team at Acme recently attended a webinar and listened attentively as a key question was asked: ‘ What does it take to introduce a data-led culture into a large organisation successfully?’ The expert presenter’s refreshing answer included, ‘You need to be good at story-telling.’ And if the story is sometimes a little ahead of the data, that is okay. Engagement with the story is critical.’
Download to read Chapter 5, we hope you enjoy our story. We are Ellipsis, the Loyalty Experts. We help you find, measure, manage and grow customer loyalty.